Dec 14, 2023

Chugai Sponsors "Hand Bike Class for Parents and Children

Social Contribution Inclusive Society Para-Sports

Chugai sponsored the "Hand Bike Class for Parents and Children" held by ZEN, a general incorporated association. The purpose of this event is to encourage children with disabilities and their families to become independent by providing them with opportunities for outdoor activities, which can be difficult for them. We have been supporting this activity since 2021, and in 2023, a total of 52 people participated in the event, which was held in locations with different environments and landscapes, ranging from central Tokyo, such as Shinjuku, to areas with rich nature, such as around the Midaigawa River in Yamanashi Prefecture.

Mr. Nojima, the representative director of the organization, said, "The classes in the city center allowed us to experience how to ride a hand bike on crowded sidewalks, what to look out for, and how to choose a route, which are difficult to convey in words. The children were proud to hear people around them say, "That's so cool!" and "That's great! He said.

We will continue to support the creation of a society where everyone can take on challenges with the aim of realizing an inclusive society.

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