Guidelines on Relation with Medical Institutions and Patient Groups
Chugai’s Transparency Guidelines
With the cooperation of medical institutions and healthcare professionals, Chugai is committed to enhancing the transparency of, and confidence in, its corporate activities involving collaborations with medical institutions, etc.
Chugai wishes to advise that it has established “Transparency Guidelines for Chugai Activities Involving Medical Institutions, etc.”, through which it is committed to disclosing information on its corporate activities involving medical institutions, etc.
Chugai in collaboration with universities and various academic research and medical institutions engages in a range of activities including basic medical and pharmaceutical research, clinical research, postmarketing activities such as exchange and collection of safety data, collection of adverse drug reaction reports and other safety-related measures. These collaborative activities are undertaken pursuant to contracts or other instruments with medical institutions and healthcare professionals. Some of these activities may entail monetary or other forms of consideration, in the course of which Chugai has made efforts to enhance transparency not only by complying with the PMD Act and other relevant legislation, but also with industry-led voluntary codes based on high ethical standards such as those laid down in the Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association’s (hereinafter, JPMA) Charter of Corporate Behaviour, the Compliance Program/Guideline, Promotion Code for Prescription Drugs and the Fair Competition Code on Premium Offers by the Ethical Drug Manufacturing Industry.
Efforts to address conflict of interest issues are already in progress overseas and in Japan through various activities by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, medical societies and other bodies. Chugai, therefore aims to establish an even greater reputation in the community for reliability, and has committed to developing its own guidelines on transparency in its activities with medical institutions and healthcare professionals, and to strengthening its internal structure and disclosing information appropriately.
Chugai will take advantage of the opportunity presented by the establishment of these guidelines to aim for even greater transparency in its corporate activities. Medical institutions and healthcare professionals are urged to cooperate with Chugai and understand the principles upon which these guidelines were established.
Guidelines for Cooperation between Chugai and Patient Groups
With the cooperation of patient groups and those involved with them, Chugai is endeavoring to enhance the confidence in and transparency of its corporate activities involving patient groups.
Chugai has established “Guidelines for Cooperation between Chugai and Patient Groups” and is committed to disclosing information and assuring the ethical and moral standards of its corporate activities involving patient groups.
The mission of Chugai is to add exceptional value through the creation of innovative medical products and services for the benefit of the medical community and human health around the world. To answer this calling, Chugai must understand and respond to the needs and concerns of patients and their families regarding all aspects related to our medical products and patients from the new drug discovery stage through promotion of appropriate use of medical products and safety-related measures in post-marketing stages and beyond. Chugai is increasing the opportunities for cooperation with patients and patient groups that give voice to patients and their families. Among these opportunities are activities that give rise to direct and indirect funding of patient groups.
On the other hand, both the government and the medical community want to place greater importance on the voices of patients, and participation of representatives from patient groups as members of investigative commissions and other commissions formed by governmental authorities is increasing. The more active the cooperation with these patient groups becomes as their assertiveness and influence increases, the greater the opportunities are for deeper engagement between Chugai and patient groups. At the same time, some people may become concerned about the negative effects of closer ties on judgments made by patient groups.
Chugai has formulated new action guidelines to ensure that its corporate activities are conducted with high ethical standards and mutual understanding, respecting the independence of patient groups, and is committed to disclosing its activities.
Patient groups and all those involved with them are asked to acquire a general understanding of these guidelines and to cooperate with Chugai.
Guidelines for Cooperation between Chugai and Patient Groups [PDF 34KB]