Ethics and Compliance

Rooted in its belief that corporate ethics take priority over profit, Chugai places paramount importance on respect for life, and strives for fair and transparent corporate activities based on high ethical standards, along with sincere scientific initiatives. We believe that compliance encompasses not only complying with laws and regulations but also meeting the expectations of society. Based on the Chugai Group Code of Conduct (CCC), we ensure all employees in Japan and abroad to comply with the Code of Conduct to through enhancing compliance education for them, implementing monitoring surveys, and compliance risk management measures in order to achieve a higher level of compliance.

Related Material Issues

  • Ethics, compliance and risk management

*Chugai has identified Material Issues that should be given priority to promote the “creation of shared value,” which is our basic management policy.
Click here for more information on Chugai’s Material Issues.

Ethics and Compliance Initiatives

  • Reports

    Introduces various efforts supported and implemented by Chugai.

  • Employee Comment

    In light of business expansion, Chugai is upgrading its global compliance system across divisions and Group companies.

    Compliance Monitoring Group, Risk & Compliance Dept.
    Toru Nagashima

    Strengthening the global compliance organization

    At Chugai, ethics take priority over profits. However, worldwide Compliance Requirements are increasing, and as our business scope expands globally, so do the business risks. In light of these and other developments, we began building a Group-wide cross-functional global compliance organization in January 2016.

    Specifically, we updated our compliance policy and defined the areas of compliance, reorganized committees and organizational structures, improved our global documentation system, and formulated local guidelines, manuals, and SOPs for overseas subsidiaries based on each country’s laws and regulations.
    We will continue to evolve to the highest level in the world by advancing our compliance initiatives under this organization. To achieve this, it is important for overseas subsidiaries to implement the PDCA cycle voluntarily, and autonomously strengthen their compliance. To this end, we will be sharing educational materials and various information, and working actively to ensure that the risk compliance officers appointed by each company can harmoniously carry out their responsibilities.

Policy and Initiatives for Bioethics and Animal Welfare

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