Sustainability Policy and Data 2023

Chugai performance data on Sustainability and corporate overview

Social Area

  2021 2022 2023
Full-time employees (Chugai Group)*1, *2 Consolidated 7,664 7,771 7,604
Full-time employees (Chugai, non-consolidated)*1, *2 Chugai 5,044 5,103 4,903
New hires (new graduates + mid-career)*1 Chugai 241 226 (new graduates:140 + mid-career:86) 277 (new graduates:143 + mid-career:134)
Board of Directors*1, *3 Chugai 9 (3) 9 (3) 9 (3)
Auditors*1, *3 Chugai 5 (3) 5 (3) 5 (3)
Average age*1 Chugai 43 years,
4 months
43 years,
5 months
42 years,
8 months
Average service years*1 Chugai 16 years,
10 months
16 years,
10 months
15 years,
10 months
Ratio of employees with disabilities*4 Chugai group 2.28% 2.44% 2.49%
Ratio of employees taking childcare leave: Men*5 *6 Chugai 100.0% 90.7% 87.6%
Ratio of employees taking childcare leave: Women*5 *6 Chugai 93.7% 100.0% 100.0%
Employees who took family-care leave Chugai 1 5 5
Employees who took volunteer leave Chugai 0 0 0
Employees who took volunteer holiday Chugai 0 1 4
Inquiries to the Medical Information Department Chugai 43,433 35,355 46,252
Information events for the media and institutional investors Chugai 36 28 30
Number of domestic and overseas investors and securities analysts with whom individual meetings were held Chugai 488 582 663
Briefings for individual investors and shareholders: Chugai 2 3 3
Facility visits conducted for shareholders and the media Chugai 0 2 1
Number of shareholders*1 Chugai 90,546 83,575 54,361
Outstanding shares*1 Chugai 1,679,057,667 1,679,057,667 1,679,057,667
Ratio of shares held by foreign investors*1 Chugai 75.48% 74.85% 77.49%
Ratio of shares held by “individual/other” shareholders*1 Chugai 4.44% 4.29% 3.47%
  1. *1 Figures as of December 31.
  2. *2 “Employees” refers to permanent, full-time employees.
  3. *3 Numbers in parentheses refer to outside directors and outside audit and supervisory board members.
  4. *4 As we have been certified for “Special Provision on Calculation for Corporate Groups” since 2021(Based on results as of December 1and the calculation defined by the law)
  5. *5 The number of employees who gave birth in the relevant fiscal year is calculated as a parameter, and the number of employees who started long-term absence from work for child care is calculated as the number of the numerator.
  6. *6 From 2022 onwards, in accordance with revisions to the Child Care and Family Care Leave Act, only those taking childcare leave for the first time will be eligible

* See “D&I Data” for diversity promotion data

Economic Area

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

Unit: 100 millions of yen (rounded to the nearest 100 million)

  2021 2022 2023
Revenue Consolidated 9,998 12,597 11,114
Research and development Consolidated 1,373 1,496 1,749
Operating profit Consolidated 4,219 5,333 4,392
Income taxes Consolidated 1,164 1,567 1,183
Net income Consolidated 3,030 3,744 3,255
Total net assets Consolidated 11,880 14,244 16,256

Environmental Performance Data

The Environmental Data and Social Data are subjected to third-party assurance in order to increase their reliability. The data indicated with Independent Assurance Mark for the year of 2023 have been assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.
Independent Assurance Report [PDF 2.0MB]

1. Thermal equivalent values of Energy Consumption*1 and CO2 Emissions by Year

  2019*2 2020 2021 2022 2023
Electricity (GJ) 1,224,089 1,196,294 1,038,324 1,123,003 1,245,932
Sustainable electricity (GJ) 656,267 913,223 1,210,420
Non sustainable electricity (GJ) 1,224,089 1,196,294 382,057 209,780 35,513
Heat (GJ) 26,698 28,137 26,759 27,539 29,008
Fuel Oil (GJ) 2,267 1,948 322 554 273
Diesel (GJ) 5,099 2,532 2,625 2,679 2,898
Gasoline (GJ) 37,506 18,796 18,471 19,885 22,529
City gas (GJ) 884,146 803,040 910,852 957,187 912,985
LPG (GJ) 1,170 1,148 1,132 1,176 640
Total energy consumption (TJ) 2,181 2,052 1,998 2,132 Independent Assurance Mark 2,214
Renewable energy (TJ) 656 913 1,210
Non renewable energy (TJ) 2,181 2,052 1,342 1,219 Independent Assurance Mark 1,004
CO2 emissions from energy consumption*3 (tons) 112,779 103,833 67,731 61,344 Independent Assurance Mark 50,787
  1. *1 The thermal equivalent values of energy consumption other than city gas in 2023 are based on the heating value per unit in the Enforcement Regulations of the Law Concerning the Rational Use of Energy and Conversion to Non-Fossil Energy. Accordingly, the usage for 2019 to 2022 is recalculated in the same way (For heating value per unit, see “Greenhouse Gas Emissions Per Unit”). Heating value per unit for sustainable electricity is the usage level of electricity purchased from electric utility companies defined in the Enforcement Regulations of the “Act on the Rational Use of Energy”(0.00864 GJ/kWh).
  2. *2 2019 is the base year for mid-term environmental goals
  3. *3 Calculation by Market-based Method

2. Thermal equivalent values of Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions by Site or Facility in 2023

  Ukima Site Kamakura
Research Laboratories
Fuji Gotemba
Research Laboratories
Chugai Life Science Park Yokohama
Electricity (GJ) 496,493 17,882 26,666 334,487
Sustainable electricity (GJ) 496,493 17,882 26,666 334,487
Non sustainable electricity (GJ)
Heat (GJ)
Fuel Oil (GJ) 244
Diesel (GJ) 4
Gasoline (GJ) 5 4
City gas (GJ) 232,284 15,145 23,006 90,782
LPG (GJ) 0 142 21
Total energy consumption (GJ) 729,022 33,036 49,817 425,289
Renewable energy (GJ) 496,493 17,882 26,666 334,487
Non renewable energy (GJ) 232,528 15,154 23,152 90,802
CO2 emissions from energy consumption9 (tons) 11,600 756 1,156 4,528
  Head Office and Branches CPMC*2 Fujieda
CPMC*2 Utsunomiya
Overseas Group Companies*3
Electricity (GJ) 22,577 40,665 269,352 37,811
Sustainable electricity (GJ) 22,577 40,665 269,352 2,299
Non sustainable electricity (GJ) 35,513
Heat (GJ) 29,008
Fuel Oil (GJ) 30
Diesel (GJ) 2,794 2 7 90
Gasoline (GJ) 20,468 67 5 1,980
City gas (GJ) 196 377,857 173,716
LPG (GJ) 476
Total energy consumption (GJ) 46,034 418,591 443,584 68,889
Renewable energy (GJ) 22,577 40,665 269,352 2,299
Non renewable energy (GJ) 23,458 377,926 174,233 66,590
CO2 emissions from energy consumption9 (tons) 1,606 18,847 48,694 3,600
  1. *1 Calculation by Market-based Method
  2. *2 CPMC is the abbreviation for Chugai Pharma Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
  3. *3 Chugai Pharmabody Research Pte. Ltd., Chugai Pharma Technology Taizhou Co. Ltd., Chugai Pharma Europe Ltd., Chugai Pharma U.K. Ltd., Chugai Pharma France SAS, Chugai Pharma Europe Logistics S.A.S., Chugai Pharma Germany Gmbh, Chugai Pharma USA Inc., Chugai Pharma China Co., Ltd., Chugai Pharma Taiwan Ltd.

3. In-house Solar Power and Renewable Energy Consumption by Year

Unit: MWh

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Solar power 72 73 75 74 198
Sustainable electricity purchased*1 75,957 105,697 140,095
Total 72 73 76,032 105,771 Independent Assurance Mark 140,293
  1. *1 From 2022, includes purchases of Green Power Certificates and Non-Fossil Fuel Certificates

4. Purchase volume of Green Power Certificates and Non-Fossil Fuel Certificates, by year

Unit: MWh

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Purchase volume of Green Power Certificates 8,213 27,447 27,013 30,624
Purchase volume of Non-Fossil Fuel Certificates 407 3,483
Total 8,213 27,447 27,420 34,107

5-1. Greenhouse Gases Emissions in 2023

Unit: tons

  Domestic Overseas Group Companies*1
Plant Research Laboratories Branches Head Office
Scope 1 (Direct emissions from fuel combustion) 34,013 11,569 1,589 17 142
  Subtotal 47,329
Scope 1 (Direct emissions from non-energy processes) HFCs (CO2 equivalent) 385 91
CFCs, HCFCs (CO2 equivalent)
PFCs (CO2 equivalent)
CH4 (CO2 equivalent)
N2O (CO2 equivalent)
SF6 (CO2 equivalent)
CO2 67 107 12
  Subtotal 650 12
Scope 1:Total 47,991
Scope 2 (Market-based Method) 3,458
Scope 2 (Market-based Method):Total 3,458
Scope 1 + Scope 2 (Market-based Method):Total 51,449
Scope 2 (Location-based Method) 25,639 34,345 767 383 3,528
Scope 2 (Location-based Method):Total 64,663
Scope 1 + Scope 2 (Location-based Method):Total 112,654
Scope 3 Category 1 (Purchased Goods and Services) 990,121
Category 2 (Capital Goods) 79,339
Category 3 (Fuel- and Energy-Related Activities Not Included in Scope 1 or Scope 2) 21,608
Category 4 (Upstream Transportation and Distribution) 9,397
Category 5 (Waste Generated in Operations) 87 109 0 3 31
  Subtotal 198 31
Category 6 (Business Travel) Domestic 1,085
International 2,830
  Subtotal 3,915
Category 7 (Employee Commuting) 2,348
Category 8 (Upstream Leased Assets) Not applicable
Category 9 (Downstream Transportation and Distribution) 29,808
Category 10 (Processing of Sold Products) Not applicable
Category 11 (Use of Sold Products) Not applicable
Category 12 (End-of-Life Treatment of Sold Products) 172
Category 13 (Downstream Leased Assets) Not applicable
Category 14 (Franchises) Not applicable
Category 15 (Investments) 32
Scope 3:Total 1,136,969
Scope 1 + Scope 2 (Market-based Method) + Scope 3: Total 1,188,418
Scope 1 + Scope 2 (Location-based Method) + Scope 3: Total 1,249,623
  1. *1 Chugai Pharmabody Research Pte. Ltd., Chugai Pharma Technology Taizhou Co. Ltd., Chugai Pharma Europe Ltd., Chugai Pharma U.K. Ltd., Chugai Pharma France SAS, Chugai Pharma Europe Logistics S.A.S., Chugai Pharma Germany Gmbh, Chugai Pharma USA Inc., Chugai Pharma China Co., Ltd., Chugai Pharma Taiwan Ltd.

5-2. GHG Emissions by Year

Unit: tons

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Scope 1 (Direct emissions from fuel combustion)*1 47,271 41,728 46,973 49,405 Independent Assurance Mark 47,329
Scope 1 (Direct emissions from non-energy processes) 818 1,043 1,925 860 Independent Assurance Mark 662
Scope 1:Total 48,089 42,771 48,898 50,265 Independent Assurance Mark 47,991
Scope 2:Total (Market-based Method)*1 65,508 62,106 20,758 11,940 Independent Assurance Mark 3,458
Scope 2: Total (Location-based Method)*1 61,226 59,935 54,177 58,047 Independent Assurance Mark 64,663
Scope 3
Category 1 (Purchased Goods and Services)
833,110 892,701 1,100,531 1,670,420 990,121
Scope 3
Category 2 (Capital Goods)
69,472 97,997 63,723 513,271 Independent Assurance Mark 79,339
Scope 3
Category 3 (Fuel- and Energy-Related Activities Not Included in Scope 1 or Scope 2)
21,341 19,883 19,821 21,074 21,608
Scope 3
Category 4 (Upstream Transportation and Distribution)
6,202 9,757 12,116 13,163 Independent Assurance Mark 9,397
Scope 3
Category 5 (Waste Generated in Operations)
599 237 195 217 Independent Assurance Mark 229
Scope 3
Category 6 (Business Travel)
4,876 774 449 1,695 Independent Assurance Mark 3,915
Scope 3
Category 7 (Employee Commuting)
2,298 2,352 2,549 2,533 2,348
Scope 3
Category 8 (Upstream Leased Assets)
Not applicable
Scope 3
Category 9 (Downstream Transportation and Distribution)
27,418 25,968 28,383 28,607 29,808
Scope 3
Category 10 (Processing of Sold Products)
Not applicable
Scope 3
Category 11 (Use of Sold Products)
Not applicable
Scope 3
Category 12 (End-of-Life Treatment of Sold Products)
336 296 191 199 172
Scope 3
Category 13 (Downstream Leased Assets)
Not applicable
Scope 3
Category 14 (Franchises)
Not applicable
Scope 3
Category 15 (Investments)
63 51 30 26 32
Scope 3:Total 965,715 1,050,016 1,227,988 2,251,205 1,136,969
  1. *1 Chugai Life Science Park Yokohama receives electricity, cold water, hot water, and steam from Tokyo Gas Engineering Solutions Co., Ltd. (TGES), but the city gas and electricity purchased by TGES are included as our energy consumption. Greenhouse gas emissions from the use of the said city gas are accounted in Scope 1, and greenhouse gas emissions from the use of the said electricity are included in Scope 2.

6. Annual Industrial Waste Generation

Unit: tons

Types   2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Sludge Generated 1,267 727 618 1,222 771
Disposed 66 26 1 1 1
Landfilled 13 5 0 0 0
Recycled 1,201 700 616 1,221 770
Waste Oils Generated 82 70 73 132 103
Disposed 6 7 8 8 7
Landfilled 0 0 0 0 0
Recycled 76 63 65 124 96
Waste Acids Generated 245 324 350 613 642
Disposed 4 1
Landfilled 0 0
Recycled 242 323 350 613 642
Waste Alkalis Generated 26 125 95 173 208
Disposed 3 0
Landfilled 0 0
Recycled 23 124 95 173 208
Waste Plastics Generated 525 473 461 588 795
Disposed 170 22 16 11 11
Landfilled 17 2 2 1 1
Recycled 355 451 445 577 783
Waste Woods Generated 12 18 26 21 10
Recycled 12 18 26 21 10
Waste Metals Generated 184 196 206 197 144
Disposed 1 1 2 0 0
Landfilled 1 1 2 0 0
Recycled 182 195 204 197 144
Glass Ceramics Generated 30 27 34 36 35
Disposed 0 0 0 1
Landfilled 0 0 0 1
Recycled 30 27 34 36 34
Products using mercury (batteries, fluorescent lamps, mercury thermometers, etc.) Generated 1 1 3
Recycled 1 1 3
Non-Hazardous Waste Total Generated 2,370 1,960 1,864 2,983 Independent Assurance Mark 2,710
Disposed 249 57 28 20 Independent Assurance Mark 20
Landfilled 32 8 4 2 2
Recycled 2,121 1,904 1,836 2,963 Independent Assurance Mark 2,690
Flammable Waste Oils Generated 315 255 311 339 273
Disposed 0 0
Landfilled 0 0
Recycled 315 255 311 339 273
Strong Waste Acids (pH2.0 or less) Generated 25 57 64 120 15
Disposed 0 0 0
Landfilled 0 0 0
Recycled 25 57 64 120 15
Strong Waste Alkalis (pH12.5 or higher) Generated 291 341 415 481 387
Disposed 0 0 0
Landfilled 0 0 0
Recycled 291 341 415 481 387
Infectious Waste Generated 140 140 143 152 116
Disposed 18 18 15 14 11
Landfilled 4 4 3 3 2
Recycled 121 122 128 138 105
Specified Hazardous Industrial Waste Generated 42 21 31 38 25
Disposed 0 0
Landfilled 0 0
Recycled 42 21 31 38 25
Mercury Waste Generated 0 1 0 0 0
Disposed 0 1
Landfilled 0 1
Recycled 0 0 0 0 0
Hazardous Waste*1 Total Generated 812 815 964 1,129 Independent Assurance Mark 815
Disposed 19 19 15 14 Independent Assurance Mark 11
Landfilled 4 5 3 3 2
Recycled 794 796 949 1,115 Independent Assurance Mark 804
Waste Utilizing the Wide-Area Certification System Generated Independent Assurance Mark 1
Disposed Independent Assurance Mark
Recycled Independent Assurance Mark 1
Total Generated 3,182 2,776 2,828 4,112 Independent Assurance Mark 3,527
Disposed 268 76 43 34 Independent Assurance Mark 31
Landfilled*2 35 13 7 4 4
Recycled 2,914 2,700 2,785 4,078 Independent Assurance Mark 3,496
Recycling Ratio*3(%) 91.6 97.3 98.4 99.2 99.1
Final Disposal Ratio*4(%) 1.1 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1
  1. *1 The waste applicable to specially controlled industrial waste as prescribed by the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act of Japan.
  2. *2 Total waste landfilled after incineration. Calculated by multiplying the amount of waste disposed by the incineration factor (All non-recyclable waste is incinerated and is not directly landfilled.).
  3. *3 Amount of waste recycled/Amount of waste generated
  4. *4 Amount of waste landfilled/Amount of waste generated

7. Trading volume of valuables

Unit: tons

Reuse Independent Assurance Mark 191
Recycle Independent Assurance Mark 95

8. Handled Amounts of Chemical Substances Covered by PRTR Law*1 (April – March)

Unit: tons

Acetonitrile 10.6 14.3 25.4
2-Aminoethanol 1.6 3.2 2.4
Dichloromethane 1.8 2.5 2.6
Toluene 0 1.2 1.3
N, N-Dimethylformamide 4.5 10.0 21.4
N-hexane 4.2 3.7 1.3
Ferric chloride 66.3 26.6 22.8
  1. *1 Chemical substances used over 1 ton per year

9. Annual Water Withdrawal and Wastewater

Unit: thousand tons

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
City water 546 506 510 506 485
Well water 812 763 738 555 539
Industrial water 724 677 671 678 794
Rainwater 2
Total water use 2,082 1,946 1,919 1,740 Independent Assurance Mark 1,820
Wastewater (Third-party destinations) 936 880 908 874 947
Wastewater (Fresh surface water) 910 908 765 493 540
Wastewater (Seawater) 0 0 0 0 0
Wastewater (Groundwater) 0 0 0 0 0
Total Wastewater 1,846 1,788 1,673 1,367 Independent Assurance Mark 1,486
Amount consumed 236 158 246 373 Independent Assurance Mark 333

10. Annual Total BOD

Unit: kg/year

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total BOD 5,434 8,143 5,118 2,888 5,276

11. 2023 Water stress, Water withdrawals and Wastewater by Site or Facility

Unit: thousand tons

Ukima Site CPMC*1
Fujieda Plant
Utsunomiya Plant
Chugai Life Science Park Yokohama
Water stress
Medium to High Medium to High Medium to High Medium to High
Water stress
Medium to High Medium to High Medium to High Medium to High
City water 300 54 101 13
Well water 2 537 0 0
Industrial water 202 0 351 222
Rainwater 0 0 2
Total water withdrawal 504 590 452 237
Wastewater (Third-party destinations) 388 0 400 150
Wastewater (Fresh surface water) 0 526 0 0
Wastewater (Seawater) 0 0 0 0
Wastewater (Groundwater) 0 0 0 0
Total wastewater 388 526 400 150
Total amount consumed 116 64 52 87
Research Laboratories
Fuji Gotemba
Research Laboratories
Water stress
Medium to High Medium to High Low Medium to High
Water stress
Low Medium to High
City water 10 5 0.3 3
Well water 0 0 0 0
Industrial water 0 19 0 0
Rainwater 0 0 0 0
Total water withdrawal 10 24 0.3 3
Wastewater (Third-party destinations) 6 0 0.3 3
Wastewater (Fresh surface water) 0 14 0 0
Wastewater (Seawater) 0 0 0 0
Wastewater (Groundwater) 0 0 0 0
Total wastewater 6 14 0.3 3
Total amount consumed 3 10 0 0
  1. *1 CPMC is the abbreviation for Chugai Pharma Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
  2. *2 CPR is the abbreviation for Chugai Pharmabody Research Pte. Ltd.
  3. *3 CPTT is the abbreviation for Chugai Pharma Technology Taizhou Co. Ltd.
  4. Water stress: Current; December 2023, Future; 2030 (Business As Usual; Course of Events), Low: <10%, Low to Medium: 10-20%, Medium to High: 20-40%, High: 40-80%, Extremely high: >80%, Evaluation Results by WRI Aqueduct 4.0

12. 2023 A number of sites and water withdrawals by sites at water stress area

Water stress A number of sites Total water withdrawals (thousand tons) Percentage of total water withdrawal (%)
Low 1 site 0.3 0.01
Medium to High 7 sites 1,819 99.99

13. 2023 Total BOD by Site or Facility

Unit: kg/year

  Ukima Site CPMC*1
Fujieda Plant
Utsunomiya Plant
Kamakura Research Laboratories Fuji Gotemba Research Laboratories Chugai Life Science Park Yokohama
Total BOD 2,749 736 1,051 68 6 666
  1. *1 CPMC is the abbreviation for Chugai Pharma Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

14. 2023 Total air pollutant by Site or Facility

Unit: kg

  Ukima Research Laboratories CPMC*1
Ukima Plant
Fujieda Plant
Utsunomiya Plant
Kamakura Research Laboratories Fuji Gotemba Research Laboratories Chugai Life Science Park Yokohama
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) 1,601 1,656 20,476 3,078 298 513 3,086
Total Independent Assurance Mark 30,708
Sulfur Oxides (SOx) 41
Total Independent Assurance Mark 41
Soot Emissions 208 232 367 286 5 3 40
Total Independent Assurance Mark 1,141
  1. *1 CPMC is the abbreviation for Chugai Pharma Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

15. Use of Specified Containers and Packaging under the Law for Promotion of Sorted Collection and Recycling of Containers and Packaging

Unit: tons

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Brown glass bottles 11 11 12 10 9
Paper containers and packaging 19 22 24 26 22
Plastic containers and packaging 128 98 91 79 72

16. Environmental Accounting

Breakdown of Investments and Costs for Environmental Protection

Unit: Millions of yen

General Area Basic Activity Detailed Activity Investments Costs
(1) Business area costs (1)-1 Pollution prevention costs (1) Air pollution prevention (including acid rain) costs 16 249
(2) Water pollution prevention costs 615 457
(3) Soil pollution prevention costs 6 108
(4) Noise prevention costs 0 1
(5) Vibration prevention costs 1 0
(6) Foul odor prevention costs 0 20
(7) Ground sinkage prevention costs 175 5
(8) Other pollution prevention costs 0 9
Subtotal 813 850
(1)-2 Global environmental
protection costs
(1) Global warming prevention and energy-saving costs 380 769
(2) Ozone layer depletion prevention costs 568 257
(3) Other global environmental protection costs 15 90
Subtotal 963 1,116
(1)-3 Resource recycling costs (1) Efficient resource use costs 12
(2) Industrial waste recycling, etc. costs 0 24
(3) General waste recycling, etc. costs 0 0
(4) Industrial waste treatment and disposal costs 8 277
(5) General waste treatment and disposal costs 0 26
(6) Other resource recycling costs 0
Subtotal 8 340
Total (1)-1 to (1)-3 1,784 2,306
(2) Upstream and downstream
(1) Additional costs of green purchasing in place of regular purchasing 2
(2) Additional costs of providing environmental goods
(3) Additional costs of environmentally friendly containers and packaging
(4) Costs for collection, recycling and appropriate disposal of products, etc. 0
(5) Other upstream and downstream costs 7
Subtotal 8
(3) Administration costs (1) Costs for establishing and operating environmental management system 0 54
(2) Costs for environmental information disclosure and advertising 0
(3) Costs for environmental impact monitoring 0 61
(4) Costs for environmental education for employees 30
(5) Costs for preserving the natural environment, greening, beautification, landscape conservation, etc. at and in the neighborhoods of facilities and sites 0 190
Subtotal 0 336
(4) R&D costs (1) R&D costs for developing products that contribute to environmental protection
(2) R&D costs for reducing environmental impact in manufacturing of products, etc. 0 3
(3) R&D costs for reducing environmental impact in other areas, including distribution and sale of products
Subtotal 0 3
(5) Social activity costs (1) Costs for preserving the natural environment, greening, beautification, landscape conservation, etc. in areas other than at and in the neighborhoods of facilities and sites 0 0
(2) Costs for donations to and support for environmental protection groups 0
(3) Costs for social initiatives, including supporting the environmental activities of and disclosing information to local communities
Subtotal 0 0
(6) Environmental remediation costs (1) Costs for nature restoration
(2) Costs for compensation regarding environmental protection
(3) Reserves and insurance for response to environmental damage 3
Subtotal 3
Total 1,784 2,656

Annual Investments and Costs for Environmental Protection

Unit: Millions of yen

Breakdown of Costs 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Costs Invest-
Costs Invest-
Costs Invest-
Costs Invest-
(1) Business area costs (1)-1 Pollution prevention costs 92 606 417 544 142 451 4,052 585 813 850
(1)-2 Global environmental protection costs 516 434 311 381 272 244 9,319 695 963 1,116
(1)-3 Resource recycling costs 125 243 0 292 6 328 0 288 8 340
Subtotal 733 1,283 728 1,217 420 1,022 13,371 1,568 1,784 2,306
(2) Upstream and downstream costs 17 15 17 15 8
(3) Administration costs 0 324 0 239 11 277 204 355 0 336
(4) R&D costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 3
(5) Social activity costs 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(6) Environmental remediation costs 3 3 3
Total 733 1,624 728 1,472 431 1,321 13,575 1,951 1,784 2,656

Social Performance Data

1. Injury frequency rate, Occupational incidence severity and Occupational illness frequency rate

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Injury Frequency rate (Employees/Contractors) Lost-worktime Number of accidents 9 3 6 0 1
Injury frequency rate 0.69 0.21 0.40 0.00 Independent Assurance Mark 0.07
No lost-worktime Number of accidents 18 16 12 22 15
Injury frequency rate 1.37 1.12 0.80 1.48 1.02
Total Number of accidents 27 19 18 22 16
Injury frequency rate 2.06 1.33 1.21 1.48 1.09
Occupational incidence severity (Employees/Contractors) Total lost-workdays 115 49 69 0 7
Occupational incidence severity 0.007 0.003 0.004 0.000 Independent Assurance Mark 0.000
Occupational Illness Frequency rate (Employees) Number of accidents 0 0 0 0
Occupational Illness Frequency rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Independent Assurance Mark 0.00

2. Fatalities (Employees, Contractors)

Number of Fatalities

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Employees 0 0 0 0 Independent Assurance Mark 0
Contractors 0 0 0 0 Independent Assurance Mark 0

Standards for Calculating Environmental Performance Indicators

<The boundary of calculation>
The boundary of calculation covers the entire consolidated group.
However, with respect to data for which the boundary of calculation is different, notes are described individually.
Kamakura Research Laboratories and the Fuji-Gotemba Research Laboratories were closed in June 2023 and July 2023, respectively.

<Calculation period> January - December 2023

Energy Consumption and CO2 emissions from energy consumption

Environmental performance indicator Unit Calculation method*1
Electricity GJ Converted heating value for electricity purchased from electric power suppliers (kWh)
Not including renewable energy generated on business sites
Sustainable electricity GJ Converted heating value for electricity derived from renewable sources purchased from electric power suppliers (kWh), converted heating value of the purchase volume of Green Power Certificates (kWh) and the purchase volume of Non-Fossil Fuel Certificates (kWh)
Non sustainable electricity GJ Converted heating value for electricity derived from non-renewable sources purchased from electric power suppliers (kWh)
Heat GJ Heat purchased (industrial steam, cold water)
Fuel Oil GJ Converted heating value for fuel oil (kL) purchased
Diesel GJ Converted heating value for diesel (kL) purchased, including fuel for company vehicles in Japan
Gasoline GJ Converted heating value for gasoline (kL) purchased, including fuel for company vehicles in Japan
City gas GJ Converted heating value for city gas purchased from gas suppliers (thousand Nm3)
LPG GJ Converted heating value for LPG (kg) purchased from gas suppliers
Total energy consumption TJ Converted heating value for total purchased energy (electricity, heat, fuel oil, diesel, gasoline, city gas, LPG)
Renewable energy TJ Converted heating value for total purchased renewable energy (electricity)
Non renewable energy TJ Converted heating value for total purchased non renewable energy (electricity, heat, fuel oil, diesel, gasoline, city gas, LPG)
CO2 emissions from energy consumption tons Total value of CO2 emissions from energy consumption
  1. *1 Converted heating value = Annual usage × Heating values per unit (for heating values per unit refer to “GHG Emission Coefficients”)
    Emission coefficients used for CO2 emissions refer to “GHG Emission Coefficients

In-house Solar Power and Renewable Energy Consumption

Environmental performance indicator Unit Calculation method
Solar power MWh Total consumption of solar power energy generated on business sites
Sustainable electricity purchased MWh Total consumption of renewable energy purchased from the power companies (and purchase volume of Green Power Certificates and Non-fossil Fuel Certificates) *1
  1. *1 Aggregated from 2022

Purchase volume of Green Power Certificates and Non-Fossil Fuel Certificates

Environmental performance indicator Unit Calculation method
Purchase volume of Green Power Certificates MWh Total purchased volume of environmental value through Green Power Certificates purchased from electric power suppliers
Purchase volume of Non-Fossil Fuel Certificates MWh Total purchased volume of environmental value through Non-Fossil Fuel Certificates

Greenhouse Gases Emission

Environmental performance indicator Unit Calculation method*1
Scope 1 tons Total of CO2 equivalent emissions from fuel purchased at business sites, fuel of company vehicles in Japan, fluorocarbons leakage, and atmospheric emissions of CO2 used at business sites
Scope 2 tons Total CO2 emissions associated with power and heat purchases calculated using the market-based method or the location-based method
  1. *1 Emission coefficients used for CO2 emissions refer to “GHG Emission Coefficients

GHG Emission Coefficients

Calculation of Scope 1 and Scope 2

Standards Type of energy, etc. Heating value per unit (A) Emission coefficients (B) CO2 emission coefficients
Scope 1 (Energy sources)*1 Fuel oil 38.9 GJ/kL 0.0193 t-C/GJ 2.75 t-CO2/kL
Gasoline 33.4 GJ/kL 0.0187 t-C/GJ 2.29 t-CO2/kL
Diesel 38.0 GJ/kL 0.0188 t-C/GJ 2.62 t-CO2/kL
LPG 0.0501 GJ/kg 0.0163 t-C/GJ 0.00299 t-CO2/kg
City gas 44.8 GJ/thousand Nm3 0.0136 t-C/GJ 2.234 t-CO2/thousand Nm3
Scope 2 Market-based method Electricity*2 0.00864 GJ/kWh Domestic: By electric power company
Overseas: By country
Heat (cold water)*3 0.057 t-CO2/GJ
Heat (industrial steam)*3 0.0654 t-CO2/GJ
Location-based method Electricity*2 0.00864 GJ/kWh Domestic: National average coefficient For Okinawa only, post-adjustment emission factors for general power transmission and distribution companies
Overseas: By country
Heat (cold water)*3 1.19 0.057 t-CO2/GJ
Heat (industrial steam)*3 1.17 0.0654 t-CO2/GJ
Scope 1 (non-energy sources)*4 Fluorocarbons, etc. Method of calculation: CFCs, HCFCs, HFCs, PFCs and other different greenhouse gases (Refill amount - Collection amount) multiplied by global warming potential
  1. *1 Scope 1 (Energy Source): List of Calculation Methods and Emission Coefficients for Calculation, Reporting, and Publication in Accordance with the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (partially revised on January 16, 2024)
    List of calculation methods and emission factors for city gas (for calculation of emissions after fiscal 2009 results)
  2. *2 [Heating value per unit for electricity] The Enforcement Regulations for the Act on the Rational Use of Energy and Shift to Non-fossil Energy: Electricity purchased from electric utility companies
    [CO2 emission coefficients from electricity]
    <Domestic> CO2 emission coefficients for each electricity suppliers -FY2022 results- Published by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry on December 22, 2023
    <Overseas> IEA Emission Factors 2023:CO2 emissions per kwh of electricity only (gCO2/kWh) Emission factors by country (IEA, International Energy Agency)
  3. *3 [CO2 emission coefficients from heat] The coefficients listed in the Enforcement Regulations of the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (revised May 27, 2016)
  4. *4 Types set forth by the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry based on the provisions of Article 1, Paragraph 3 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on Rational Use and Appropriate Management of Fluorocarbons (March 29, 2016 Extra Edition, Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry, Ministry of the Environment Notification No. 2)
    Guidelines for Calculating and Reporting Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Ver. 5.0)

Calculation of scope 3

Category Calculation method & CO2 Emissions intensities*1 Boundary
1 Purchased Goods and Services Calculated multiplying the purchase price of raw materials and purchased goods by the emission factor
However if the top 10 companies in the purchase amount has disclosed CO2 emissions for Scope 1 and Scope 2, then multiply by the reduction rate from the base year to reflect the Contract Manufacturing Organization(CMO)’s reduction efforts.
(CO2 emissions calculated from the purchase amount in the base year) × (CMO’s total emissions in the applicable year)/(CMO’s total emissions in the base year) × (the purchase amount in the applicable year)/(the purchase amount in the base year)
Purchase of raw materials and goods
<The boundary of calculation>
  • Chugai Pharma Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
2 Capital Goods Calculated by multiplying the acquisition price of tangible fixed assets for which construction and manufacturing has been completed by the emission factor per price of capital goods Acquisition price of tangible fixed assets for which construction and manufacturing have been completed
<The boundary of calculation>
  • Organizations within all boundaries of calculation
3 Fuel- and Energy-Related Activities Not Included in Scope 1 or Scope 2 Calculated multiplying consumption of electricity, heat, fuel oil, diesel, gasoline, city gas and LPG by the emission factor Energy Consumption
<The boundary of calculation>
  • Organizations within all boundaries of calculation
4 Upstream transportation and distribution Calculated using the “Manual for Calculating and Reporting Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Ver. 4.8): ton-kilometer method” based on transportation ton-kilometers (t-km)
Railway: 22g-CO2/t-km
Ship: 39g-CO2/t-km
Air: 1,490g-CO2/t-km
Truck: 0.0504L/t-km × 2.585t-CO2/kL ÷ 1,000
(Fuel consumption per ton-kilometer of truck transport is calculated by using the average loading rate of 10-ton freight truck for commercial use.)
Of the CO2 emissions from the outsourced warehouse, CO2 emissions from the portion occupied by our company are calculated.
Vehicle transportation of products from distribution centers to wholesaler warehouses and domestic airports
Air and ship transportation for import and export of products, intermediates, raw materials, etc.
The amount equivalent of the CO2 emissions from the outsourced warehouse area occupied by our company
<The boundary of calculation>
  • Chugai Pharma Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
5 Waste generated in operations Calculated multiplying the amount of waste generated by the emission factor defined by types of waste and treatment method (including the waste transport stage) Industrial waste
<The boundary of calculation>
  • Organizations within all boundaries of calculation.
    However, excluding overseas sales companies
6 Business travel Calculated multiplying passenger-kilometers by the emission factor per passenger-kilometer by each mode of transportation Business travel using aircraft (domestic/overseas)*2
<The boundary of calculation>
  • Chugai Pharma Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
  • Chugai Research Institute for Medical Science, Inc.
  • Chugai Clinical Research Center Co., Ltd.
  • Chugai Business Solution Co., Ltd.
7 Employee Commuting Calculated multiplying the number of employees by work type and city classification by the number of work days and the emission factor Commuting of domestic employees
<The boundary of calculation>
  • Chugai Pharma Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
  • Chugai Research Institute for Medical Science, Inc.
  • Chugai Clinical Research Center Co., Ltd.
  • Chugai Business Solution Co., Ltd.
9 Downstream transportation and distribution Calculated by multiplying the sales price to domestic wholesalers by the emission factor Transportation from domestic wholesalers to hospitals
<The boundary of calculation>
  • Chugai Pharma Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
12 End-of-Life Treatment of Sold Products Calculated multiplying the amount of specified containers and packaging usage which is eligible for the Survey of Use and Production of Containers and Packaging by emission factors by waste type The amount of specified containers and packaging usage which is eligible for the Survey of Use and Production of Containers and Packaging
<The boundary of calculation>
  • Chugai Pharma Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
15 Investments CO2 emissions from energy consumption of joint research companies. Energy consumption of joint research companies
<The boundary of calculation>
  1. *1 The database on emissions unit values for calculation of greenhouse gas emissions, etc., by organizations throughout the supply chain (ver.3.3)
    IDEAv2.3(For calculating the supply chain greenhouse gas emissions)
  2. *2 Calculation of the point-to-point distance on a GRS80 global reference ellipsoid using the latitude and longitude of the departure and arrival airports*3, *4
  3. *3 Global airports (Last Updated October 11, 2013), Open Knowledge International,
  4. *4 Distance and direction as calculated by the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan

Industrial waste generation

<The boundary of calculation>
Domestic Research Laboratories: CHUGAI PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. Ukima Research Laboratories (Ukima site), Fuji Gotemba Research Laboratories, Kamakura Research Laboratories, Chugai Life Science Park Yokohama
Domestic Plants: Chugai Pharma Manufacturing Co., Ltd.(CPMC) Ukima Plant (Ukima site), Fujieda Plant, Utsunomiya Plant
Domestic Offices: CHUGAI PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. Head Office, Branches (34 branches including 7 supervising branches), Offices (32 offices)
Overseas Research Laboratories: Chugai Pharmabody Research Pte. Ltd. (CPR)
Overseas Plants: Chugai Pharma Technology Taizhou Co. Ltd.(CPTT)
(Waste generated using the wide-area certification system is counted only for domestic research and domestic production sites.)

Environmental performance indicator Unit Calculation method
Generated Tons Total industrial waste generation at sites and facilities
Disposed Tons Total industrial waste incinerated without recycling which was outsourced to external contractors for processing
Landfilled Tons Total waste landfilled after incineration. Calculated by multiplying the amount of waste disposed by the incineration factor. (All non-recyclable waste is incinerated and is not directly landfilled.)
Recycled Tons Total industrial waste recycled which was outsourced to external contractors for processing

Trading volume of valuables

Environmental performance indicator Unit Calculation method Boundary of calculation
Reuse Tons Total amount of used products (materials or items) to be used again in their original form, sold as valuables for use wholly or partly as spare components or other parts of products

Fuji Gotemba Research Laboratories, Kamakura Research Laboratories

Recycle Tons Total amount of used products sold as valuables, which are subjected to undergo some form of treatment (physical, chemical, or biological process) to transform them into useful items again

Ukima Research Laboratories, Fuji Gotemba Research Laboratories, Kamakura Research Laboratories, Chugai Life Science Park Yokohama
Chugai Pharma Manufacturing Co., Ltd.(CPMC)
Ukima Plant, Fujieda Plant, Utsunomiya Plant

Water Use/Wastewater

<The boundary of calculation>
Domestic Research Laboratories: CHUGAI PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. Ukima Research Laboratories (Ukima site), Fuji Gotemba Research Laboratories, Kamakura Research Laboratories, Chugai Life Science Park Yokohama
Domestic Plants: Chugai Pharma Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (CPMC) Ukima Plant (Ukima site), Fujieda Plant, Utsunomiya Plant
Overseas Research Laboratories: Chugai Pharmabody Research Pte. Ltd. (CPR)
Overseas Plants: Chugai Pharma Technology Taizhou Co. Ltd.(CPTT)

Environmental performance indicator Unit Calculation method
Total water use thousand tons Total water withdrawn for use at sites or facilities (city water, well water, industrial water and rainwater*1)
Wastewater thousand tons Total water discharged to sewer systems or to public water zones
  • The amount of wastewater from domestic usage in Ukima site is not included in the count
  • As wastewater from overseas Group companies is not measured, the amount of wastewater is deemed to be equivalent to the amount of water withdrawn at these sites.
Amount consumed thousand tons Difference between the amount of water withdrawn (total amount of water withdrawn at business sites (city water, well water, industrial water, and rainwater*1)) and the amount of wastewater discharged (total amount of water discharged from business sites into sewer systems and public water zones)
  1. *1 Only the amount input into process and domestic wastewater at the Yokohama Research Institute (Chugai Life Science Park Yokohama) is counted as rainwater.

Air pollutants emissions

<The boundary of calculation>
Domestic Research Laboratories: CHUGAI PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. Ukima Research Laboratories (Ukima site), Fuji Gotemba Research Laboratories, Kamakura Research Laboratories, Chugai Life Science Park Yokohama
Domestic Plants: Chugai Pharma Manufacturing Co., Ltd.(CPMC) Ukima Plant(Ukima site),Fujieda Plant, Utsunomiya Plant

Environmental performance indicator Unit Calculation method
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions kg Total amount of NOx emitted from specified facilities under the Air Pollution Control Law.
NOx emissions = concentration of NOx in exhaust gasses × annual exhaust gasses
Sulfur oxides (SOx) emissions kg Total amount of SOx emitted from specified facilities under the Air Pollution Control Law
SOx emissions = concentration of SOx in exhaust gasses × annual exhaust gasses
Soot emissions kg Total amount of soot emissions from specified facilities under the Air Pollution Control Law
Soot emissions = concentration of soot in exhaust gasses × annual exhaust gasses

Standards for Calculating Social Performance Indicators

<The boundary of calculation>
Chugai Group employees: Employees at all Group sites and facilities in Japan (including contract employees, part-time employees, temporary employees, employees on loan to our group)
Contractors: Employees of contractors (dealing with equipment and equipment maintenance contractors, etc.) who work together with Chugai Group employees at plants, research laboratories, and other business sites with hazardous operations.

<Calculation period>
January - December 2023

Lost-worktime Injury Frequency rate, Occupational incidence severity and Occupational Illness Frequency rate

Social performance indicator Calculation method
Lost-worktime injury frequency rate Number of people injured or killed in occupational accidents per 1 million work hours (resulting in at least one work day off, and an application for accident compensation insurance, but excluding accidents during commuting), showing the frequency of occurrence
Injury frequency rate = number of people injured or killed in occupational accidents / total number of actual working hours*1 x 1,000,000
Occupational incidence severity Number of days of work lost to occupational accidents (excluding accidents during commuting) per 1,000 work hours, showing the severity of the accident
Occupational incidence severity = number of workdays lost / total number of actual working hours*1 x 1,000
Occupational Illness Frequency rate Number of occupational diseases per 1 million work hours (calculated based on persons certified as occupational accidents) represents the frequency of occurrence of occupational diseases.
Occupational diseases are stipulated in Article 35 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Labor Standards Act in Japan.
Occupational Illness Frequency rate = number of occupational diseases / total number of actual working hours*1 x 1,000,000
  1. *1 When the number of actual working hours of temporary employees is unknown, it is estimated by multiplying the number of such workers as of December 1 of the relevant year x 7.75 hours/day x working days.


Social performance indicator Calculation method
Fatalities The death of a worker arising from an occupational disease or injury sustained or contracted while performing work that is controlled by the organization or that is being performed in workplaces that the organization controls.
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