Promoting Health and Productivity Management

The Chugai Group has established goals, policies, and priority items as it works to engage in more proactive, ongoing efforts to contribute to the well-being of its employees. By reaching these goals in the medium to long term, Chugai will achieve its vision for health and productivity management.

Chugai’s efforts to date in this area have also been recognized, and it was selected for the first time as an enterprise that excels in health management, under the “2024 KENKO Investment for Health Stock Selection Program” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). In addition, it has been certified as a “Health and Productivity Management Organization 2024 (White 500)” (Large Enterprise Category) for four consecutive years since 2021*.

  • In principle only one company per industry is selected as a “KENKO Investment for Health Stock” among the top 500 listed organizations applying for the “Health and Productivity Management Organization (Large Enterprise Category)” certification.
  • * Under the Health and Productivity Management Organization program, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), in collaboration with the Nippon Kenko Kaigi, grants certification to large enterprises that demonstrate outstanding efforts in practicing health and productivity management. Refer to the METI website for details (in Japanese).
2024 KENKO Investment for Health Stock Selection Program Logo

2024 KENKO Investment for Health Stock Selection Program

“White 500” Health and Productivity Management Organization 2022 (Large Enterprise Category) (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) Logo

“White 500” Health and Productivity Management Organization 2022 (Large Enterprise Category) (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)

Vision and Policies


Spurred by the Company proactively encouraging employees to maintain and improve their health, and by our improving their workplace environment, they take up the challenge on their own to maintain and improve their health, and everyone continues to work in better conditions.


  • The Chugai Group pursues both “individual health” and “organizational health” in parallel
  • Chugai Group companies, Labor unions, and Chugai Pharmaceutical Health Insurance Society promote the activities jointly and cooperatively.

Priority Items and Goals

Priority Items

Six priority items for health management have been established: cancer countermeasures, lifestyle-related disease countermeasures, mental health measures, health literacy improvement, promotion of physical safety in the workplace, and promotion of psychological safety in the workplace. We have formulated medium- to long-term goals in line with our mid-term management plan TOP I 2030, and are developing activities to achieve them.

Health and Productivity Management Map

We have created a Health and Productivity Management Map that illustrates how various health management initiatives (health investments) and their indexes are linked to the goal of health and productivity management. Based on the results of each initiative, the PDCA cycle will be used to promote health and productivity management.

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Health and Productivity Management

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