Sustainability Promotion System
Chugai’s view of sustainability is the sustainable development of our company and society, and we believe that it must be actively promoted by the entire company. The CEO, who is the chairman of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, is responsible for promoting our overall sustainability. Executive responsibility is assumed by all members of the Executive Committee. Individual specialized matters are discussed at the Corporate Management Committee, after which plans and policies are deliberated and approved by the Executive Committee.
Sustainability Committee
A committee responsible for formulating and implementing policies and strategies on sustainability-related matters. As social demands, including information disclosure, are changing and becoming more sophisticated at an accelerating pace, the committee’s role is to discuss and promote sustainability as a whole from a specialized and comprehensive perspective. Matters related to sustainability as a whole, such as materiality, sustainability risks, environmental measures and human capital, will be discussed from a company-wide perspective and connects them to promotion of implementation.
Compliance Committee
A committee involved in promoting compliance. The head of the organization is designated as the Compliance Manager, who is in charge of ensuring compliance, the cornerstone of sustainability promotion, and works with the Compliance Officer appointed by the Manager to monitor the status of promotion in each organization, resolve issues, and provide education and awareness.
The committee promotes compliance related to laws and regulations, domestic and international pharmaceutical regulations, industry standards, as well as norms and values required by society in the pharmaceutical industry.
Risk Management Committee
A committee that assesses the status of risk management in the Group and deliberates and decides on matters related to risk management. With the aim of maximizing corporate value, we have introduced and are operating an ERM (Enterprise Risk Management) framework for visualization and integrated management of risks. In addition, the policy regarding risk appetite is explicitly stated in the “Risk Appetite Statement,” and risks to be addressed are divided into “strategic risk” and “operational risk,” and these risks are identified, organized, and visualized in a unified manner. Based on these, we formulate policies and conduct discussion on effective and efficient risk management from a company-wide perspective.
Corporate Communications Committee
The committee’s objective is to gain the support and trust of internal and external stakeholders through appropriate communication strategies and to continuously enhance corporate value. The committee discusses and decides on the development of disclosure policies and the content of disclosure of important corporate information (communications pertaining to the company as a whole) to internal and external stakeholders. It also deals with risks that could affect our corporate value and reputation.