Value Shared with Stakeholders
In the context of patient-centric healthcare, we believe that Chugai should contribute to the actual structures and systems needed for realizing advanced, sustainable healthcare, while sharing value with its various stakeholder groups.
Here are the different forms of value we share with various stakeholder groups.
The Value We Share

Patients and Their Families
For patients, in addition to ensuring high drug efficacy and safety, we must enable them to receive care that matches their values and allows them to maintain their quality of life – in other words, to enable each individual patient to obtain true value. It is also important to reduce the various burdens borne by patients’ families in connection with treatment and caregiving.
Healthcare Providers and Medical Institutions
For healthcare providers, value includes enabling proper disease control and expanding treatment options. As for insurers and regulators that build the medical insurance and authorization systems, they need to achieve appropriate levels of spending and sustainable healthcare financing so that patients and society can enjoy true value.
Countries, Communities, Payers and Regulators
For government, enhancing regional healthcare in accordance with the delivery systems in each community where patients live is important. For countries, in addition to improving healthcare finances, development of healthcare as a growth industry is sure to have significant value.
Universities, Research Companies/Institutions, Medical Device Manufacturers, Healthcare Companies, Suppliers and Wholesalers, etc.
For the universities and research companies and institutions that collaborate with Chugai, as well as its partner companies, suppliers, pharmaceutical wholesalers and others, jointly promoting innovation and increasing added value toward the establishment of a framework for the next generation of healthcare will lead to sustainable growth for all.
Shareholders and Other Investors
Shareholders who invest in the healthcare industry will be able to share in the benefits of the added value created through continuous innovation.
Employees whose work is directly tied to the issue that society expects us to address – realization of advanced and sustainable patient-centric healthcare – will gain job satisfaction, a sense of fulfillment and opportunities to enhance their own abilities.
Chugai believes that sharing value with these various stakeholders beyond mere cooperation is the shortest path to realizing advanced, sustainable healthcare.