Education and Training

Chugai conducts systematic education and training.

EHS Risk Assessment

EHS risk assessment is an activity to identify potential hazards or risks in the workplace from an environmental, health and safety perspective, and to formulate and implement measures to control and reduce them. Since 2014, each facility conducts an EHS risk assessment at least once every three years. Briefings are held as needed for those conducting the assessments in an effort to familiarize them with the significance of the EHS risk assessments and to maintain and improve their assessment techniques.


Internal environmental auditor training at the Fujieda Plant

The Chugai Group believes that findings and problems identified by internal environmental auditors with global knowledge and perspective play an important role in supporting effective governance, and we are focused on developing internal environmental auditors with global-level capabilities.

Since 2014, we have utilized the Organization Employing Auditors (OEA) scheme of the International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA; England) to maintain and standardize the caliber of our internal environmental auditors. Within the internal environmental audit structure, the IRCA-certified Internal Auditor and Associate Auditor act as leaders of the internal environmental audit team and play a central role in promoting environmental management system activities with the goal of contributing to environment-oriented management.

Registered members in 2023 New Ongoing
Internal Auditor 0 1
Associate Auditor 1 2
Associate Auditor 14 31

Health and Safety

The Chugai Group believes that the basis of maintaining and improving health lies in individual health literacy and has set improvement in health literacy as a priority item. Therefore, in accordance with the medium- to long-term goals of Health and Productivity Management and the annual activity plan, every year we provide Group employees or those in charge with education and training on illness awareness, self-check of health diagnosis results, necessity of re-medical examinations, and self-care of mental health, focusing on the priority items of Health and Productivity Management.

In 2023, we conducted an e-Learning program “Preventing Lifestyle-related Diseases Starting with a Review of Lifestyle Habits” for all Group employees, and 82% of them attended the course. Furthermore, we explain the results of the group analysis of stress checks, which are conducted once a year, to each basic organization manager, and have established a support system so that they can exercise leadership for “organizational health” as well as implementing activities to improve the working environment in organizations that require it. At each business site, we hold lectures and the likes on health at least once a year according to the annual plan.

Through these activities, Chugai aims to achieve its vision of health and productivity management to a state in which “employees strive autonomously to maintain and improve their health, and everyone continues to work in good conditions.”

Global Environment