Protection of Biodiversity

In addition to our efforts to conserve and restore natural capital, as an R&D-oriented pharmaceutical company, we set our own reduction targets for hazardous chemical substances and work to minimize chemical substance risks throughout the product life cycle in order to pass on our irreplaceable earth to future generations.

Reduction of Hazardous Chemicals

The Chugai Group not only appropriately manages and disposes of chemical substances that may have harmful effects on human health and ecosystems, but also promotes initiatives to reduce their use.

Change in Hazardous Waste Emissions

In 2023, the amount of hazardous waste (waste that falls under specially controlled industrial waste) generated was 815 tons, down 28% from the previous year. In addition, emissions per total floor area decreased to 2.3 kg/m2 from 2.7 kg/m2 in 2019, the base year.

Reduction in the use of hazardous chemicals

The Chugai Group has set a medium-term environmental target for establishing manufacturing processes through commercial production, that do not use compounds listed in the SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern) candidate list under REACH regulation for all Chugai original candidate molecules after 2021. We established guidelines for the use of SVHC in 2021 and are reducing the use of hazardous chemicals based on them.

Handled Amounts of Chemical Substances Covered by PRTR Law

(Total period: April 2022 - March 2023)

The total volume of PRTR*1 substances handled was 77.4 tons, up 15.7 tons from the previous year (April 2021 to March 2022). However, ferric chloride used to treat high BOD wastewater generated in the biopharmaceutical manufacturing process has been significantly reduced since 2022 as a result of a revised treatment method. In addition, the use of acetonitrile and N,N-dimethylformamide increased as the new development pipeline progressed.

  • *1 Abbreviation for “Act on the Assessment of Releases of Specified Chemical Substances in the Environment and the Promotion of Management Improvement”

Air Pollution Prevention and Associated Measures

Based on the Air Pollution Control Act and various prefectural ordinances, the Chugai Group measures emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx) and soot, verifying compliance with emissions standards before releasing them, and is working to reduce them.

Change in NOx emissions

NOx emissions in 2023 were 31 tons, up 3 tons from 2022. Although we are working to prevent air pollution by upgrading the cogeneration system to a low NOx emission type, emissions increased due to longer operating hours of the system in conjunction with increased production volume.

Change in SOx and Soot Emissions

In the second half of 2014, we began switching from heavy oil to city gas as the main fuel for our once-through steam boiler heat source equipment. This fuel conversion has significantly reduced SOx emissions and maintained their low level. In addition, air pollutant emissions from all sites remain well below environmental standards.

Soil Pollution Prevention and Associated Measures

Based on the Soil Pollution Control Act and various prefectural ordinances, the Chugai Group conducts appropriate soil surveys in compliance with the law. If soil contamination is confirmed, we will consult with the local government and take appropriate measures to prevent the spread of the contamination and clean up the site.

Water Conservation Activities

From the perspective of biodiversity conservation, the Chugai Group began conducting WET*3 testing in 2013 to verify the impact on local ecosystems of wastewater discharge from its business sites, not only to ensure that wastewater standards are met by law, but also to comprehensively understand and evaluate the impact of chemical substances contained in the wastewater. In 2023, all plants and laboratories conducted annual WET tests and confirmed that there were no problems.
In addition, since 2019, we have continuously implemented water source conservation activities through forest maintenance in Kawanehoncho, Haibara-gun, Shizuoka-ken, the source of water used at our Fujieda Plant, and since 2022, in Yokoze-machi, Chichibu-gun, Saitama-ken, which serves as a water source for our Ukima Plant. In 2023, Chugai concluded the “Saitama Prefecture Forestation Agreement”*4 with Saitama Prefecture and the Saitama Agriculture and Forestry Public Corporation, and based on this agreement, Chugai Group employees and their families conducted tree thinning activities*5. Furthermore, in April 2024, we signed an agreement with the Yokohama Waterworks Bureau, where Chugai Life Science Park Yokohama is located, to participate in the “Water Source Eco Project W-eco-p*6.” Our goal is not only to minimize the impact of our production activities on the global environment, but also to contribute to the conservation of abundant water resources together with the people living in the watershed. We will continue to implement the practice of using water carefully, cleaning it and returning it to nature in our business activities, and will also continue our efforts to maintain the forests that nurture water.

For more information on our activities, please check the following page.
Contribution to Global Environmental Protection - Efforts to protect water resources through forest maintenance at our production site -

  • *3 Whole Effluent Toxicity. A method to comprehensively evaluate the safety of wastewater and environmental water by studying the effects on crustaceans (Daphnia magna), algae, and fish (killifish, etc.) in water containing diluted wastewater
  • *4 An agreement concluded between companies and organizations that conduct forest creation activities, municipalities that provide activity locations, and Saitama Prefecture so that they work together to create forests in order to protect and nurture forests, which are assets shared by the people of Saitama Prefecture
  • *5 Tree thinning activities: Work designed to prevent forests from becoming overgrown, leading them back to health by cutting down certain trees to maintain appropriate density. Thinning allows sunlight to reach the individual trees, while also encouraging the growth of shrubs, leading to a healthier forest.
  • *6 Initiative of the Yokohama Waterworks Bureau to develop water source forests owned by the city of Yokohama in the village of Doshi, Yamanashi Prefecture, with donations from companies and organizations, in order to nurture rich forests that produce clean water and pass them on to future generations
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