Chugai’s Contribution to the SDGs
Creating Shared Value and Promoting Sustainability
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted at the United Nations Summit in September 2015 are 17 global goals set for achievement by 2030. The SDGs are aimed at realizing a diverse and inclusive, economically, socially and environmentally sustainable society by addressing a wide range of issues from poverty and hunger to health, education, climate change, sustainability of energy, job satisfaction and economic growth.
It is important that all governments and organizations address social issues to ensure the preservation of the global environment and sustainability of the international community. Therefore, the Chugai Group believes it must consider how it can contribute to resolving social issues through all aspects of its business activities while sharing value with stakeholders.
Accordingly, in defining its material issues, Chugai verified each issue against the development goals of the SDGs and also examined such matters as what role the company should play and which goals should be given higher priority considering the scope of its business. As a result, we have set development goals that we are primarily addressing. However, we have many opportunities to address social issues in the various aspects of our business activities. There are also a number of other goals toward which we can make a substantial contribution by working in partnership with stakeholders.
Chugai will continue to concentrate on focused, proactive initiatives that take the SDGs into consideration.
Main SDGs That Chugai Will Address
Among the 17 SDGs, the Chugai Group prioritizes Goal 3, which directly links to its Mission. The next four SDGs shown (8, 9, 12 and 17) help to achieve Goal 3, and the final six SDGs (5, 6, 10, 13, 15 and 16) undergird its business activities.

Specific Examples

We take a patient-centric approach to creating innovative drugs and providing solutions to cure and manage diseases. Also, we contribute to the creation of sustainable healthcare systems and improved access to pharmaceuticals by supporting for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the NCDs, Non-Communicable Diseases, in low- and middle-income countries as well as the development of the treatment options for COVID-19.
- Specific initiatives:
- Provision of innovative drugs and services/Provision of solutions for patients/Contribution to global health

In addition to recruiting talented and diverse people to support innovation, we provide rewarding environments where employees are able to develop their skills. We strive to optimize work environments and provide systems and conditions that promote job satisfaction and a sense of security among employees. We also expect our suppliers to consider EHS* and human rights issues in their business activities.
- Specific initiatives:
- Improvement of occupational health and safety/Talent management/Promotion of work-life synergy (including use of childcare leave system by male employees and telecommuting system)/Supply chain management
*Environment, health and safety

We support and promote innovation in the field of healthcare by investing aggressively in research and development and by building open innovation networks through collaborative research with academia.
- Specific initiatives:
- Provision of innovative drugs and services/Initiatives for personalized healthcare/Establishment of open innovation networks with academia and other parties

In the healthcare industry, we are working to ensure a stable supply and quality at a high level, including the accuracy of product quality and information. We are also promoting the reuse and sustainability of natural resources through efforts including environmental management and targeting the reduction of waste emissions.
- Specific initiatives:
- Ensuring stable supply and stable inventories/Strengthening of quality assurance/Use of renewable and recyclable resources/Environmental management/Risk assessments to prevent exposure to the chemical substances we handle

To help solve social issues, we are working in collaboration with research organizations, governments, non-governmental organizations and other specialized bodies. We also disclose information to our stakeholders and promote appropriate understanding of our corporate activities through dialogue.
- Specific initiatives:
- Establishment of open innovation networks/Stakeholder engagement strategy/Participation in GHIT Fund, Access Accelerated, City Cancer Challenge Foundation and WFH (World Federation of Hemophilia) Humanitarian Aid Program

To foster an organization culture that enables employees to play active roles successfully, regardless of gender, we are working to promote the diversity and inclusion. In addition, for further success of women, develop female management candidates and expand the pool of future female leaders. We are also continuously checking and improving the work environment to achieve better work-life balance so that the diverse human capital can realize their successful career development.
- Specific initiatives:
- Promotion of diversity and inclusion/Promotion of work-life synergy/Increasing the ratio of female managers

Based on the interim targets in terms of environment on the reduction of water consumption, we are taking actions to conserve the water resource which is the indispensable for our business activities. Furthermore, to protect the water environment, we conduct whole effluent toxicity (WET) tests at all our plants and research laboratories to ascertain ecological impact, and practice multifaceted wastewater management that goes beyond compliance with wastewater regulations.
- Specific initiatives:
- Reduction of water consumption and wastewater discharge/Wastewater management/Adoption of advanced wastewater treatment technologies

Under the work environment and system where the fair and equitable treatment as well as the equal opportunities are secured, we aim to create workplaces that prize diversity, where people accept each other’s values and can demonstrate their individual abilities to the fullest. In addition, we conduct human rights due diligence throughout the supply chain, and also call on our business partners to comply with laws and regulations and respect human rights.
- Specific initiatives:
- Compliance with the Chugai Group Code of Conduct/Formulation of a human rights policy/Supply chain management

We are taking measures in all of our business activities to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, which is the key to combating climate change. For the reduction of this greenhouse gas emissions, we effort to discontinue using the fluorocarbons which has global warming potentials as well as the carbon dioxide (CO2). In addition, we are working to curb our emissions of other environmental pollutants and to prevent leakage.
- Specific initiatives:
- Promotion of energy conservation measures/Promotion of use of renewable energy/Reduction of greenhouse gases/Reduction of use of CFCs and HCFCs/Continuous improvement of environmental management system

From the standpoint of preserving biodiversity, we conduct WET tests at all our plants and research laboratories to ensure that the wastewater they discharge has no impact on local ecosystems. We are also working to reduce landfill waste by promoting recycling of industrial waste, and prevent land degradation by detoxifying waste.
- Specific initiatives:
- Wastewater management/Recycling of industrial waste/Reduction of landfill waste/Thorough detoxification of waste

In addition to promoting risk management and compliance, we call on our business partners to comply with laws and regulations and respect human rights, and are building a responsible supply chain that includes anti-bribery measures.
- Specific initiatives:
- Establishment of the Chugai Group Code of Conduct/Promoting compliance/Anti-bribery measures/Risk management/Supply chain management