Shareholder Returns

Returning Value to Shareholders

Taking account of strategic funding needs and earnings prospects, the Company aims for a consolidated dividend payout ratio of 45% on average in comparison with Core EPS to provide for a stable allocation of profit to all shareholders. In addition, internal reserves will be used to increase corporate value through investments to attain further growth in existing strategic domains and to identify future business opportunities.

Dividend History

Year Dividend (Yen per share) Payment Date (Y/M/D)
Interim Year-End Annual Interim Year-End
2024 41.00 41.00
2024/8/29 -
2023 40.00 40.00 80.00 2023/8/30 2024/3/29
2022 38.00 40.00 78.0 2022/8/30 2023/3/31
2021 30.00 46.00 76.0 2021/8/30 2022/3/30
2020* 75.00
(before stock split)
(after stock split)
- 2020/8/28 2021/3/24
2019 48.00
  • Ordinary
  • Special
140.00 2019/8/30 2020/3/31
2018 31.00
  • Ordinary
  • Special
86.00 2018/8/31 2019/3/29
2017 29.00 33.00 62.00 2017/9/1 2018/3/23
2016 26.00 26.00 52.00 2016/9/1 2017/3/24
2015 26.00
  • Ordinary
  • Special
58.00 2015/9/1 2016/3/25
2014 22.00 26.00 48.00 2014/9/1 2015/3/27
2013 22.00 23.00 45.00 2013/8/30 2014/3/28
2012 20.00 20.00 40.00 2012/8/31 2013/3/28
2011 20.00 20.00 40.00 2011/9/1 2012/3/29

Shareholders of record on June 30 and December 31 are entitled to interim and year-end dividend payments, respectively.

  • *Effective July 1, 2020, Chugai implemented a three-for-one stock split of its common stock. The dividend for the second quarter of the fiscal year 2020 presents the amount prior to the stock split. The annual dividend per share for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 is not stated because the amounts cannot be simply combined due to the implementation of the stock split. The annual dividend per share is ¥165 when calculated based on the assumption of no stock split, and ¥55 when calculated with the stock split taken into account.

Profit Distribution

Profit Distribution
  • Effective July 1, 2020, Chugai has implemented a three-for-one stock split of its common stock.
    Dividends are calculated based on the assumption that the stock split was implemented at the beginning of the FY2017.

Shareholder benefit program

Not applicable.

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