Message from the CEO
We will realize our goal of becoming a top innovator in the healthcare industry through “TOP I 2030,” our new growth strategy for 2030
Due to the spread of COVID-19, the financial situation of countries around the world is worsening, and the trend toward Value Based Healthcare (VBHC), where only truly high-value drugs and solutions are selected, is growing in importance. Moreover, the adoption of digital technologies throughout the world has expanded, and the way we communicate with our customers is changing dramatically.
Against the backdrop of these changes in the business environment, Chugai has formulated a new growth strategy, TOP I 2030, with the aim of realizing our Envisioned Future set forth in the Chugai Mission Statement.
Our vision of what it means to be a “Top Innovator in the healthcare industry” by 2030 can be described as follows.
- Expectations from patients all over the world
With world-class drug discovery capabilities, patients around the world expect that “Chugai will surely create new treatments.” - Attracting talent and players from around the world
Attract passionate talent from all over the world, and inspire players globally to think they can create something new by partnering with Chugai - Role model for the world
Recognized for ESG initiatives through its business activities, Chugai will become a global role model as a leader in resolving social issues
Based on the strategic alliance with Roche, we will continue to place innovative new drugs at the core of our business, while aiming to become a top-class innovator in the global healthcare industry, where not only pharmaceutical companies but also a variety of other players take on the challenge of innovation.
The two pillars of TOP I 2030 are “Global first-class drug discovery” and a “Futuristic business model.” We aim to become a company that can launch innovative, in-house developed global products every year by further strengthening our drug discovery technology platforms, which is one of our strengths, utilizing digital technology, proactively collaborating with external parties, and intensively investing company-wide resources in drug discovery and early development. And we aim to dramatically increase productivity and maximize the value for each and every patient by fundamentally restructuring our business processes and the value creation model through the utilization of digital technology in all value chains.
I have always believed that “people” are the key to achieving these goals, because it is people who bring about innovation, and each and every employee is the driving force behind value creation. We will appoint the most suitable human resources for each position and create an environment where they can grow and be active regardless of their age or attributes.
In the world today, there are many unmet medical needs with no cure or a low level of treatment satisfaction, and patients globally are waiting for the emergence of effective options. Providing solutions one by one is the mission of Chugai and an opportunity for growth. We will continue to pursue the development of society through innovation and the growth of our company by steadily implementing the policies of the new growth strategy TOP I 2030.
(As of March 23, 2021)