Apr 17, 2021

Conducted Disease Awareness Activities Inside and Outside the Company in Support of World Hemophilia Day

Sustainable Patient-Centric Healthcare Social Contribution Healthcare

Hemophilia is a disease in which blood does not clot properly due to the lack or deficiency of a blood clotting factor, making it difficult to stop bleeding once it occurs. But thanks to advancements in treatment, a growing number of people with hemophilia are now able to lead ordinary daily lives, and moderate physical exercises on a routine basis is recommended.

In support of World Hemophilia Day*1 promoted by the World Federation of Hemophilia, Chugai continued to promote disease awareness activities introduced last year both inside and outside the company.

Radio dialogue between medical specialists and on-air personalities

To improve the general public's understanding of hemophilia, radio programs were broadcasted in six districts throughout the country, including a dialogue between leading specialists in hemophilia treatment and local radio personalities. In addition to providing basic information about hemophilia, Chugai wished people with hemophilia a better and happier life, and encouraged them to realize their dreams and ambitions.

Please refer to the link below for the contents broadcasted on Nippon Broadcasting System. (Japanese only)
April 17th is "World Hemophilia Day". I want to know correctly about "Hemophilia"

Release of Manga Content for Children

For children with hemophilia who cannot find a way to start exercising due to concerns about the risk of bleeding, in 2020 we created dance content and released it on our website "Smile-On*2." This year, Chugai has released manga in which children can learn the dance movements while enjoying the story at the same time.

People Living with Hemophilia invited to give lectures to Employees

To deepen understanding about the circumstances surrounding hemophilia A and to motive Chugai employees to take individual actions, people living with hemophilia A were invited to speak to employees. Participants commented that, "The message of sincerity as a pharmaceutical company really resonated with me" or "It is our duty to continue responding to the trust of patients."



In order to solve social issues, each and every employee will continue to think about how they can contribute to the happiness of patients and will engage in disease awareness activities on a continuing basis.

*1 About the World Hemophilia Day
World Hemophilia Day is a day to promote solidarity among the community of people with congenital bleeding disorders including hemophilia. The aim is to improve understanding of the disease and achieve better treatment. The day was established in 1989 by the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) in association with the birthday of Frank Schnabel, founder of WFH. In particular, the “Light Up Red!” campaign is the most well-known activity of World Hemophilia Day. On this day, landmarks in various countries are lit up in red by patient groups and other relevant WFH-member organizations, with the aim of encouraging as many people as possible to deepen their understanding and interest in, the disease.

*2 About “Smile-On” (in Japanese only) 
Chugai opened “Smile-On” (https://smile-on.jp/), a website that focuses on information for daily life to bring smiles to the faces of people with hemophilia and their families. Information on radio dialogues by medical specialists, dance videos and manga for children are released in the website.

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