Nov 03, 2018

Environmental Protection Volunteer Activities: Participating in Tokyo Greenship Action

Social Contribution Local Communities

Protecting our Remaining Natural Environment

Since 2010, Chugai has participated in Tokyo Greenship Action*, sponsored by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. On November 3, Chugai employees and family members totaling 31 people joined NPO staff and others in cutting grass and thinning trees at the Higashi Toyoda conservation area in Hino City (inside Kurokawa Seiryu Park of Hino City, Tokyo).

After using grass sickles to cut down the thick growth of Amanezasa (Pleioblastus chino) that covered the area, they also worked carefully to dispose of trees that had toppled during a recent hurricane. It was a valuable opportunity to enjoy conversation and work with members from other departments whom the participants might not otherwise meet. After partaking of box lunches and Tonjiru (pork and vegetable soup), the volunteers broke up into work group, craft group, and nature-observing group, and enjoyed the kind of experience only possible in the fall. Participants commented that it was fun to enjoy familiar nature, that they hoped to participate with their families again next year, and that it felt great to be out in nature.

We hope that these kinds of experiences will give people a chance to think about environmental protection as they enjoy our natural surroundings.

* Environmental protection activities conducted in Tokyo Metropolitan Green Space conservation areas through a partnership between companies, NPOs and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

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