May 11, 2016

Determination of Terms and Conditions of Stock Options
(Stock Acquisition Rights)

Name of listed company: Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Code number: 4519 (1st Section of Tokyo Stock Exchange)
Head office: 1-1, Nihonbashi-Muromachi 2-Chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Chairman & CEO: Osamu Nagayama
Inquiries to: Masahiko Uchida,
General Manager, Corporate Communications Dept.

Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) hereby announces that the pending terms and conditions of the stock options (the stock acquisition rights), to be issued pursuant to the Board of Directors’ resolution dated April 22, 2016, have been determined as follows:


I. Common stock options

  1. Name of the stock acquisition rights

    Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. No.13 Stock Acquisition Rights

  2. Total number of the stock acquisition rights

    2,764 units (100 common shares of the Company per one unit of the stock acquisition right)

  3. Identity of people to be granted the stock acquisition rights
    (1) Directors of the Company: 5 Directors (1,084 units)
    (2) Employees of the Company and its subsidiary:
      98 Employees (1,680 units)
  4. The stock acquisition rights issue price
    (1) Directors of the Company: 115,100 yen per one unit of the stock acquisition right (1,151 yen per share)
    (2) Employees of the Company and its subsidiary:
      These people are not required to pay any amount of money to receive their stock acquisition rights.
  5. Amount to be paid upon exercise of each stock acquisition right

    374,600 yen per one unit of the stock acquisition right (3,746 yen per share)

II. Stock options as stock-based compensation

  1. Name of the stock acquisition rights

    Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 2016 Stock Acquisition Rights

  2. Total number of the stock acquisition rights

    354 units (100 common shares of the Company per one unit of the stock acquisition right)

  3. Identity of people to be granted the stock acquisition rights
    Directors of the Company: 5 Directors
  4. The stock acquisition rights issue price

    354,600 yen per one unit of the stock acquisition right (3,546 yen per share)


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