Chugai Snapshot
Founded in 1925
Chugai was founded due to concern over the shortage of medicine following the Great Kanto Earthquake.
Since then, Chugai has continued to evolve for over 90 years while overcoming drastic changes in the external environment.
No.1 in Japan in the therapeutic antibody market and the oncology field
Chugai created Japan’s first therapeutic antibody. Backed by its extensive experience,
high level of expertise and proprietary research platform,
Chugai holds the top share in the therapeutic antibody market and the oncology field in Japan.
*Copyright © 2017 QuintilesIMS. Source: JPM 2016. Reprinted with permission. The scope of the market is defined by Chugai.
Revenues and operating income have tripled over 15 years
Since entering into a strategic alliance with Roche in 2002, Chugai has established a unique business model in
which each company benefits from the other’s strengths. Chugai has grown rapidly for more than a decade.
Selected as a “Nadeshiko Brand*” for 3years in a row
Chugai considers its human resources to be its greatest asset for corporate growth,
and emphasizes diversity and inclusion to generate innovation.
Its proactive initiatives in this area have earned external recognition.
*Listed companies with an exceptional record in promoting the success of women are selected
for the “Nadeshiko Brand” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Revenues of ¥491.8 billion in 2016
Chugai's mid-term business plan IBI 18 got off to a smooth start in 2016, with growth in sales.
However, revenues decreased year on year due to a decline in one-time income.
This Online Annual Report is an excerpt from the full version of Annual Report 2016
(which integrates the corporate social responsibility report) for easy online viewing.
For greater detail, the full version can be downloaded and read as a PDF file.